DaBaby In Trouble Again
Image from @dababy
It is truly disappointing to see someone mess up over and over again after claiming their innocence. DaBaby has seen so much great success in his recent music projects, gaining praise from icons in the space, like Diddy. However, if you end up in jail for numerous acts of obscene violence, your potential will go away and your money won’t get you anywhere.
Since DaBaby’s recent music success, he has been seen in the light of multiple acts of violence. He fought another Charlotte rapper in a Louis Vuitton store last May. A month later, him and his body guard nearly kill a rapper for asking to take a photo with him. There have been videos of him mouthing off and yelling at fans when he doesn’t want to be in photos. In January, DaBaby and his team jumped and robbed a club promoter who apparently owed him more money. The latest news, involves hitting a woman.
The video is on TMZ, The Shade Room, it’s everywhere. It seems as though DaBaby was leaving a venue, swarmed by fans. As he passed one woman, who put her phone a bit too close in DaBaby’s face, he swung pretty hard on her. Of course intentions were to slap the phone of his face, no one wants to be swarmed by lights and cameras all the time. But, he ended up hitting a female, and people are not happy about it.
When you sign up for fame, this is going to happen to you. I don’t think it is any excuse to be slapping or swinging at anyone. What if the person dropped their phone, and you damaged someone’s personal property because you can’t handle your own job. That would be rude, but he physically hurt someone, which is even worse. I get that being in the limelight twenty-four-seven has got to be draining. But if DaBaby wants his career and longevity that he has the potential for in the music industry, he needs to get his act together. I’m personally shocked that he has made it this far without getting into deeper trouble.
“And not like Atlanta, I came out of Charlotte, you know that shit took me some time.” Walker Texas Ranger
DaBaby apologized publicly almost instantly after reviewing the footage and realizing that he did in fact, slap a woman. But, lyrics like the above suggest that he is aware he comes from a bad place, but he got out and is doing better. I think that is something that he is telling himself, but I don’t think the Charlotte really left him yet. There cannot be any more mistakes like this, in my book. Let’s hope he can get it together, for the sake of fun hip-hop.