Future Continues to Move Needle


Future continues to move the needle as an artist, and is one who many consider has “revolutionized hip-hop.” From his sound, autotune utilization and laid back with no chill persona, he opened the doors for dozens of new styles and sounds of hip-hop artists we see today. Future’s latest move includes selling publishing rights to over 600 songs in his catalog.

It has been confirmed by Future and his team that he has sold the publishing rights of 612 of his tracks released between the years of 2004 to 2020, to publishing company Influence Media. The exact number is not confirmed, but said to be an eight-figure, massive deal.

Now that a third party company owns the publishing rights to all of these tracks, they do have the right to grant access to other parties, artists, remixes, etc to use the music in any capacity. Something that may seem scary to some, but Future’s take on it is that he believes the music is in good hands, and believes that by making this step, will continue to make his music, timeless.

Future is not the only artist to make a big move like this, as Irv Gotti has recently sold the rights to his Murder Inc Masters, for $300 Million. Is this the new move?!


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