Look Mom I Can Fly: Review



“Family man. Dynamic performer. Rap visionary. Like his music, his hustle has no limits - or rules.” Who comes to mind? Jay-Z? Snoop Dogg? Eminem? The King TIP? How about Travis Scott? This is the description to Travis Scott’s new Netflix Documentary, ‘Look Mom I Can Fly’.

I love reading and watching documentaries, for how much you can learn about how an artist, or athlete, or performer in their day-to-day. In this Travis Scott “documentary” I learned one thing: Astroworld is actually a real amusement park, that once existed in Houston, Texas. When Travis Scott was a child, he loved to visit Astroworld, until it later shut down in 2005. 

The documentary starts with Travis Scott on some kind of a roller coaster, saying that Astroworld was going to be the best album of all time. I was quickly intrigued, because I’ve listed to Astroworld and have a different opinion, but was excited to see the process of what this meant to him and how it came to life. I will have to say, I didn’t get much of what I was looking for. I’ve watched many documentaries which have changed the way I look at people from hearing their stories. I do not think that Travis Scott told his story the way he could have, given this platform. About 80% of this documentary is b-roll. B-roll from his shows, his fans, him in the studio, him with his family, but that is it. No interview or story is taking place during this time. 

I watched kids break their bones because Travis Scott wanted them to rage at his shows, neglecting all security. But I want to know why they love him so much that they would go to this extent. What makes your autotuned soundbites relatable to these kids? I watched Travis Scott passionately scream at his production crew, because the set wasn’t perfect. But I would love to see him in the planning of this incredible on-stage carnival set, that he had envisioned as his conceptualized Astroworld. I watched Travis Scott get his hopes up, and become upset for not winning a Grammy. I’m not going to say it would have been nice to see Travis say Congrats to Cardi, because he will act the way he wants to, and that’s what he decided to show us.

Truth be told I’m not Travis’ biggest fan, but am I a fan of the industry he is in. I have seen Travis Scott perform once. This was when he opened up for Rihanna on her Anti Tour in 2016. I remember the lighting was crazy, and the energy was there. Of course, he is the main act now. After watching the documentary, I would enjoy seeing a live performance. The concept of Astroworld is a theme park, carnival, crazy attractions, everything is to the extreme. His shows included roller coasters attached the venue’s ceiling that could move him across the venue. There were acrobats and crazy lighting. I have no idea why someone would risk their bones to attend this, so I will grab some nosebleeds, but I will sign off on the “dynamic performer” title given in Netflix Bio description.  

So, if you like Travis Scott and want to jump up and down with him as he hears himself come through the radio, go ahead and check out this documentary. If you’re looking to learn about his story and what his lyrics mean, well, this isn’t it.


Free Meek: Review