Bar for Bar?
21 Savage, Drake
Bar for bar, who is your favorite artist? Bar for bar, could 21 Savage really beat his entire XXL Freshman Class is a Verzuz Battle? Bar for bar, who did better on Her Loss, 21 Savage or Drake? No, no, no bar for bar, 21 Savage and Drake exchanged bar for bar, helping each other write their verses throughout the album.
Last week, an enormous leak of Latto’s catalogue occurred which caused many people to second guess who is really writing their own lyrics nowadays. Latto had just prior to this suggested that many of the successful females artists may have been using the same writers, and a few of them were aired out during the leak based on the tracks that were found. Many would feel some type of way about this, but there are more artists coming to the forefront sharing when they may have had some help.
HipHop DX recently shared a voice snippet of 21 Savage and Drake, perhaps doing an interview, where 21 Savage states that Drake helped him write some of his verses on Her Loss. Drake responded laughing and said, “hey, you helped me with some of this s***, too.” So, needless to say, the two have had a very collaborative process when it came to the collab album, and have helped each other in creating their own verses and what the outcome may have sounded like.
Let me first say, is this 21 Savage sticking up for his lady? Is this another hint that 21 is the secret man Latto’s been talking about for so long? And secondly, okay, Drake got some writing recognition here, but still shares he uses help where he can. Your favorite artists uses writers so let’s ask again; how much does it matter for an artist to write their own lyrics?
You can listen to the snippet here.