Another Cancellation Party


“Cancel Culture”

“Cancel Culture”

The internet was busy this weekend, digging up dirt, or just calling out celebrities for their business on the internet. Many have tried to cancel several hot artists in the hip-hop industry, over just the past few days. These artists are all currently trending as, #Cardi, #Meek and #NotJT - JT from City Girls. Depending on how you look it, one may be worse than others, but everything is truly up for discretion. I personally would say that one has more to loose than others, but cancel culture just will not leave these artists alone. Here is what happened this weekend.

First, let’s discuss Cardi B’s cancel situation. Cardi has brought to us that this year was tough for her, in the regard that the people have tried to ‘Cancel Cardi’ several times already this year. However, Cardi has done so many great things for the country this year, for females this year, and for music in general. She has reached a level of success where these cancel culture acts will not really affect her success, so long as she can keep her head up.

Most recently, she tweeted mentioning that she was tempted to purchase and $88,000 purse. Now, it should be no surprise to anyone that Cardi B has the money to buy nice things. Her husband, Offset, literally spent $33,000 alone on his Complex Sneaker Shopping trip over a year ago. They own mansions and multiple cars. Yes, it is a lot of money, but it money that she has. However, the people found that it was insensitive to brag about this, during these rough times of the pandemic.

Hundreds of fans have been in Cardi B’s comments, or purely tweeting trying to ‘teach her a lesson,’ as some have stated. They mentioned that they would rather see Cardi’s money go to charity or someone whom needs the money more than she does. Some of even stated they know she has been donating, but still feels that the tweet was insensitive to others less fortunate during these times.

To this, Cardi B backfired, sending out a quick apology, and following it up with more money quotes. She shared multiple links to organizations she had previously donated to, while mentioning she donated over $2 million this year, and is working on some other things, as well. She even asked her fans to share what they donated to this year, and would match their donations to the same foundation.

Whether or not you agree with the purse purchase, Cardi B is doing her part in donating to others, while gifting herself when necessary. Luckily, this one did not seem to bother her too much, as she finished off the night asking followers if they want to see the purse, now.

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The next person to get some heat over the weekend was Meek Mill, who was actually trying to do some good. Since the incident, Meek Mill did say that the video was from a year ago, but he was visiting Atlanta. While driving through the city, there is one spot where a number of young boys sell water bottles to those driving by. Meek Mill had given them some money, and the dollar amount is what is getting some people.

Meek Mill gave the boys $20 for one bottle of water. In the video that has been released, you can hear the kids asking for more. This situation is kind of like the Virgil situation when he donated just $50. He could have given the kids more, but he was already doing more than he needed to. One bottle of water does not cost $20, so although Meek probably had plenty more cash on him, he did give more money than he had needed to. This is where people begin to take sides.

While this video went viral, people began judging Meek for his $20 donation, as well as alluding to the kids being really displeased with the artist. Meek had actually seen a post that said the kids were quite unhappy, which he replied to saying, “They appreciated it they just hustling kids .....” Which makes it seem like Meek does understand what the kids are doing, and he is just fine with what went down.

Tokyo Vanity chimed in on social media to give out-of-towners the rundown on these kids. She suggested they have been doing this daily for years, and no matter how much you give them, they will always ask for me. She even broke down the fact that basically you could buy a 24 pack for $6 dollars and one water bottle is less than $1, so there is no need for shaming anyone for giving a $20 donation. She claimed the kids are ruthless and will never be satisfied, so it not something to feel bad for the children about.

Again, Meek Mill seemed unfazed by this attempt of dragging through the internet.

Finally, JT from City Girls may be the most problematic, while she also has the most to loose. City Girls were doing very well for themselves this year, but I would not say that their stardom has the longevity and immunity to these kinds of things, such as that of Cardi B and Meek Mill. However, something quite similar did happen recently to Doja Cat, though she still ended up taking home several Best New Artists Awards actors multiple award shows this year.

Yes, JT was caught with old tweets from years past, saying some crazy things. She talked down on dark skin ladies, made fun of people for their nationalities and backgrounds, dismissed those with different sexualities, and completely dismissed the feelings of those who did not look like her. She even went as far as to say she loves T.I. and Tiny’s relationship, but does not think Tiny is pretty, and that she wishes R. Kelly would put her in her place, which is probably the most foul and shocking thing to say.

It does not seem like the people are ready to forgive this act, especially during times where many are down are looking for someone of something to bring them up, and help them feel more confident. Though old, JT did not exactly apologize for the tweets. She deleted her twitter and made a new one, which would suggest that she was scared and wanted the tweets to be gone forever. However, while looking at her twitter name as well what she is posting on Instagram, it is more apparent that she really does not care.

The new Twitter name is “F***Yall,” which basically just means she does not care about what the internet is saying about her. On top of the fact that absolutely anyone could be behind this account name. On Instagram, she shared this new handle asking people to follow her, while also sharing an image of herself holding a giant purse saying “all my old tweets in that purse.” It sounds like JT is taking this as more of a joke and brushing it off than anything. She followed this up by going to a strip club, on her own.

You may love JT for the way she handled this, or you may choose to dismiss her. I wish she did take accountability for these things, but I am glad it has not completely shut her down, so far. This one will be interesting to see how it plays out in the long run.


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