Jack Harlow’s Life Changing Experience


Jack Harlow Saturday Night Live 2022

This past weekend, Jack Harlow was the featured guest host on Saturday Night Live, and called it a “life changing experience.” Jack was a part of several skits throughout the night, and may have just found a new love for acting. While we have already known him to be quite the jokester in hip-hop, and super close friends with comedian Druksi, Jack Harlow seemed to be right at home on stage at SNL.

Jack played a husband getting married on Halloween, a dancing bar tender, a tall man in funky jeans, and more. We even got to see what Jack would look like, with short hair! Oh, and speaking of Halloween, in most realistic Jack Harlow-goof-ball-fashion, Jack also did a skit as a “frat boy dressed up as a tampon.”

Through his many different skits and favorable looks throughout the night, Jack was able to take his comedy, seriously. It was en enjoyable episode and I think Jack did very well. I would not be surprised if he were to do more in the future.

Would you want to see Jack Harlow taking his acting career to the next level?


Halloween 2022


Heroes & Villains