Meek Mill’s New Mission
With the New Year coming in within just a few days, everyone is coming up with their yearly goals and resolutions. Meek Mill is someone whom has always been vocal about his different missions and what he values in life. This year, it seems like he has been learning the meaning of being your own businessman, from some of his mentors around him. Most recently, Meek has shared his latest mission to come out with his own streaming service to support Black Owners, entrepreneurs and app makers. In addition to Meek, there are several other hip-hop favorites that want to pitch in on the idea, and make it come to life.
Meek Mill has had his fair share of trouble with the law, and is ready to take his life back into his own hands. He has had the help of several successful leaders across sports, music, and legal reform institutions. With his PUMA contract, he was able to get additional sponsors for the Reform campaign, and plays a huge role in helping to save many wrongly convicted, which he is no stranger to. For Christmas, he gave back to thirty families in need in his hometown of Philadelphia. He has even became quite popular in the Clubhouse app world, where group discussions are formulated, and others in the chat room can ask questions about the topic at hand. These are all methods of giving back to the community, whether it be perishable goods, knowledge, or a music escape. His next move, to help Black Business Owners and Black Wealth.
The vision became apparent on Twitter. Meek Mill mentions that he would be linking up with Lil Baby, Lil Durk and 21 Savage to be majority owners in a new music platform, and asked for app and platform creators to come help them. While this whole idea started to sound a bit like a new Spotify and Tidal streaming platform, Meek explained that it would be different. They still need Spotify on their sides, and in some ways, may even be able to work together. But this platform would maximize hip-hop and their culture, and those working towards their dreams and goals in a similar space.
At one point, Meek even mentioned buying land in Ghana, because he did not want to continue to just live the America life that he has been living. He began trending in Ghana, and then asked for, what I believe he meant to say, “the best world wide walkie talkies.” There is potential for this to become a global platform, so that fans can listen no matter where they are, and potentially even be a part or contribute to the platform in one way or another. As Meek continued to Tweet about the adventure, it seems like he would want to donate money that they make, back to the artists streaming on their platform.
Meek mentions the platform getting started with the help of Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley is the U.S. center for innovative technology companies. There is a new series on HBO Max that goes into detail about the company. Earlier this year, Meek Mill had his own movie released on HBO Max. Perhaps he was doing some research and became inspired by stumbling upon this new series.
Only time will tell where this adventure may lead, but Meek Mill has stated that he would like to get started on this project in early 2021. Jay-Z was able to make his own streaming service that proved to be quite success. As a Roc Nation talent, it seems like Meek Mill’s opportunities are endless, and this could turn into something great for the younger hustlers out there.