No Concerts til Fall 2021



There is no real time table on when the world will be normal again, but it seems like large group gatherings will be frowned upon for the foreseeable future. As any music nerd, one of my favorite activities is going to concerts, musical events, or just anywhere that has good music, or where we can talk about good music. Today brings us the sad news stating, that it seems concerts will be cancelled until fall of 2021.

One of the key members of the Affordable Care Act and adviser of the World Health Organization has told the New York Times that large gatherings should be put on hold for the next eighteen months while they work on a vaccine for the virus. This is the latest recommendation on how long it will take for the economy to stabilize itself once again. On top of this, social gathering laws which have been lifted in certain areas will be called back into place, and lab reports show they have been lifted too soon.

The idea that events have been postponed until 2021, seem to no longer be for certain. I know my brother has tickets to several concerts that were due to take place in Q4 of this year. I also had a few on my mind I was hoping to attend the top of next year. I do feel strongly with the fact that the virus is not clearing up at this point, it will take some time to get this right. Once we are free to go back to work, large gatherings should still be rolled out more slowly. First, we can go back to work. Then restaurants, bars, then sporting events and concerts.

This is an extremely harsh reality to musicians with tours planned, and fans who had planned on attending. As I like to call out for everything, there is one positive to this scenario. As we cannot physically go to any concerts, there have been many artists and music labels who are bringing concerts online to us at home. With that, they’re typically free Instagram Lives which anyone can join. So, if you have never been to a festival because you live on the wrong coast, you can join in on TrillerFest and experience the music live, at your own home.

Triller set up a festival with a really great live up, with tons of live performances online. XXL has had Lil Jon come DJ for a night on their Instagram live. After this, there have been tons of new cases following their lead. DJ battles for who has created the most hits over time, rap battles, cyphers, to even chats between artists on how a certain song or collab came out, reminiscing over old hits and trends.

Truly a tough time for festival goers, and fans who love a good show. However, thankfully we have the internet and artists who will continue to give us a great experience, while we’re cooped up inside.


The Party is on Instagram Live


A Cry for Publicity