Playlist for Change
There is so much going on in the world today. All day I spend researching new ways to help. New things to learn. Educating myself with what is happening. Cry myself to sleep because I cannot bear to watch anymore videos of cruelty, injustice, hate and racism towards innocent people who are demanding nothing but peace.
The first place I learned about how messed up our system is, over a decade ago, was from music. I continue to learn more experiences, more opinions, thoughts and ideas, from music. If there is one thing to make me feel better, make me realize, pump me up, or encourage me to do better, that would be music.
So, if you are unsure how to feel with everything happening in the world. If you are suiting up to head out to your local peaceful protest. Or, if you want to just hangout, do your research, and listen to some jams to remind why it is so important, here is a playlist for you.
These are all relatively new songs. They may have produced to share feelings on the situation at our hands, or they could have been written months ago, because we knew there was always an injustice issue in our country. If you look up songs titled “f**k the police,” you will find plenty more. Fun, playful songs, serious songs, sad songs, educational songs, they are all there and remain relevant. So stream these songs. Sign the petitions. Make the phone calls, emails, and donations to those charities and those brands that need us now. Let us keep a positive attitude while doing so, and lead with the strong, educated, peaceful minds, and we will come out on top.