T.I. and Tiny, in Major Trouble?
T.I., Tiny
By now, T.I. and Tiny have been the latest hip-hop news, troubled talk of the town, for the entirety of the weekend. What started as an allegation to be too horrifying to be true, is turning into something major. Is this real, or a cry for a money, is the question. It is terrible that we would ever need to question things like this, but the details are truly all so confusing. If this is true, T.I. and Tiny could find themselves in a lot of trouble. However, as of right now, they are in the deny stage.
Before I get into what in the world is happening with the King and Queen of Atlanta, I wanted to take a moment to recognize my incredibly slick title of today’s blog post. Major is the name of one of T.I. and Tiny’s sons. Trouble, is a name T.I. resonates well with, it is even in his Instagram name. Did you get it? Leave your comments on the post here if you did. Now, let’s get into this messy situation.
Sabrina Peterson, a cannabis entrepreneur from Atlanta, causes a stir in the lives of T.I. and Tiny. Allegedly, Sabrina and Tiny were very close friends. Although, about a week ago, something lead her to posting on Instagram, calling out T.I. for allegedly pointing a gun at her head in front of her children. She goes on to say that T.I. has been painting her as a villain for years, and that black women are not being allowed to heal from traumatizing moments. She tagged T.I. directly, but has removed all comments from the post. You may view the post on her Instagram, still to this day, here. However, this is far from the end of Sabrina’s attempt to take down her old bestie and her man.
At first, T.I. and Tiny both brushed off the allegation of the weapon being pointed at anyone, incident. Tiny left a comment on The Shaderoom’s post covering the story, asking what Sabrina could have possibly been referring too, as T.I. had always been somewhat of an uncle to her kids, and that would never have happened. Tiny suggested Sabrina needed some help, and to keep her family out of her business. She also posted an Instagram story, suggesting that Sabrina was coming out with this idea, allegedly two years later, all for clout.
So, a couple of days have go by, and maybe Sabrina did not get the results she was hoping for, by sharing this news about T.I. holding a weapon at her head. Next, she posts stories, or rather screenshots of conversations, allegedly with fifteen other females whom are claiming alleged drug abuse and sexual assault, with T.I. and Tiny.
While all these conversations remain anonymous, they all share their own versions of things they have, allegedly, experienced with the couple. You can also see, where Sabrina responds, it looks as though she is trying to formulate a documentary about the video, based on the multiple allegations. Is it just me, or does this sound exactly like the R. Kelly documentary?
Letting women speak their truth is absolutely so important, and these stories are cringeworthy indeed. I just hope that someone would not lie about these things, at someone else’s expense.
The question comes into play when one of Tiny’s other good friends, Shekinah Jo, goes on Instagram Live, suggesting that Sabrina is doing all of this for clout. She mentioned that Sabrina has a crush on Tiny, and was upset that they were no longer so close. Shekinah almost mentioned that Sabrina used to recruit women with T.I. and Tiny, so while she was attempting to shut down the rumors Sabrina was making, she may have just confirmed them.
Knowing the additional drama that Shekinah has caused, she hopped back on Instagram Live and took back everything she had said. Was this because she truly does not know Sabrina, or because she realizes that she may have threw Tiny under the bus further? What a truly, incredible mess.
Sabrina herself has seemed to disregard whatever Shekinah has mentioned on her Instagram Lives, and stated that she would be looking for a lie detector test. We can only assume that she’d like to use this against T.I. and Tiny, asking them questions about the situation. They would need to agree to taking that test, first. But, this may come as something that they do wish to complete, after Sabrina shares results that suggest there is a truth to the weapon pointing incident.
At this point in time, aside from Tiny’s Instagram comments, just a statement was released on behalf of T.I. and Tiny.
"Mr. and Mrs. Harris want to be on record and more importantly want the public to know they emphatically deny in the strongest way possible the egregiously appalling allegations being made against them by Sabrina Peterson. The Harrises have had difficulty with this woman for well over a decade. They are taking this matter very seriously."
Over the weekend, T.I. broke his silence with an eight-minute long Instagram Post, explaining his side of the story. T.I. expresses that victimized women should have their voices heard, indeed. But goes on to say that evil, has no gender. T.I. explains him and his wife are completely innocent of all allegations, and suggests that the posts that Sabrina shared are simply from sources looking for clout, and that they are false statements. He has since, also posted several conversations of women admitting that their accusations were indeed, false.
I am sure this case is far from over. I would say that already posting about a documentary in the works is something that should have waited until the allegations were settled. T.I. has been looked at as a positive figure in Atlanta, trying to create a better world with equal rights for all. But, we will have to see where this nets out. I mainly just want a positive life for the adorable Harris children. Hopefully this gets cleared up real soon.