

Today is the one year anniversary of the day we lost Mac Miller, at 26 years old, of an accidental overdose. I remember the day it happened. I was in the car with my parents, on the way to get some food. I had text messages from several people, and a voicemail from an old friend of mine that I hadn't seen in years. I had a feeling something bad had happened. Well, something horrible had happened. I was in shock, knowing Mac had just put out one of his better pieces of work in the last few years. He was getting ready to go on tour. We had all hoped and prayed that he was doing much better, in regards to his mental health and drug use. 

Since his passing, several unreleased Mac Miller tracks have emerged the internet. Many of these times, they have been taken down quickly after. I personally do not agree with putting out music for someone who isn't here to give you sign off on the release. There is likely a reason that this work wasn't released when the person was here. Of course there are situations where this doesn't apply. Like, Nipsey was obviously going to release 'Higher' on the DJ Khaled album, it just hadn't launched yet. On top of that, all the proceeds for the song went to his charity, and his wife had approved it all happening. That's a dope look. But I can imagine that certain songs are getting deleted, because the family agreed that this is not what Mac Miller had wanted. In the grand scheme of things, music gets leaked, and his fans feel blessed to hear the new work he had been creating for us.

A recent arrest has been made in the connection to Mac Miller's overdose. Cameron James Pettit, age 28, was arrested on September 5th, and is being held without bond. Word is that Pettit is the drug dealer who sold Mac Miller counterfeit oxycodone pills, just two days prior to Mac's overdose. A text was found in Pettit's phone telling a friend, "I will most likely die in jail." It seems like police may have their guy. Though it will not bring back our friend, some sort of justice is due for knowingly selling counterfeit, lethal, drugs. 

I've seen Mac Miller live in concert three times, all in the front row. He was in high school performing when I was in high school. His spirit and energy was radiant and just made everyone in the crowd happy, jump around, have an amazing time. As he went through his ups and downs, everyone does, too. I am sure his recent pieces of work have helped many get through tough times, and will continue to do so. LLMM: Long Live Mac Miller.


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