Battle of the Genres



Being such a huge fan of hip-hop, I have many times asked myself, will I still be listening to this music when I am old? Will I still be trying to rap as quick Twista and keep up with all the bars as Nicki when I am in an elderly home? And more importantly, what terrible new music will the kids be listening, could they possibly think it is better than this? Well one thing is for sure, is that music and genres to change over time.

If you study music, it is widely known that African American musicians and performers were the founders of not only hip-hop, but rock and roll, as well. With both of these genres, and plenty of others in the music industry, there are more genres that have stemmed and evolved, with inspirations from these larger, classic, genres. For rock and roll, I am talking heavy metal, grunge, screamo, etc. With hip-hop, there is of course R&B, but the kids are taking hip-hop and twisting it, bringing in their own sounds resembling rock and roll, and emotional music.

While music is supposed to be everyone’s happy place and room for the freedom of their expression, it seems like lately the rock and roll performers are hating on hip-hop artists to no end.

Machine Gun Kelly is an extremely well-known artist who did start his music journey as a hip-hop artist, and ended up signing to Bad Boy Records with Diddy. Ultimately, he ended up switching over to the pop-punk lane, where he still sometimes plays with hip-hop friends. For a bit over a year now, MGK has found himself feuding with rockband, Slipknot. It was reported that Slipknot frontman, Corey Taylor, was quoted saying he cannot stand artists that failed in one genre then moved to another, and parties believed that this was directed at MGK.

The two have been going back forth since, and it seems like this could have stemmed from a failed attempt to work together. So in reality, should we all not simply support one in another in each other’s own lanes?

More recently, rising hip-hop star, $not is under fire from a rock band who does go by the name, Snot. $not the hip-hop artist has been gaining traction in the hip-hop lane that teeters the lines between rap and rock. His latest song Doja, with A$AP Rocky has specifically been a massive record for the young talent. Snot, the band, is considered heavy metal. They started in 1995, though does not seem like they have released any new projects since an EP in 2020. Apparently, they got wind of $not’s success and had some words for him.

$not will get the chance to go on tour with infamous rock group, Limp Bizkit, along with a number of other opening acts from a variety of genres, such as Yung Gravy. Well, old rock band Snot was so upset, one group member made a video telling Limp Bizkit how wrong they were for bringing someone else named $not on tour with them, from a different genre. Then, gave $not the middle finger, undermining his name.

Could this name be out of homage? Is it worth all the fighting? Should different generations and genres of music really be this upset with each other? Truth be told, everyone is inspired by someone, or something. If we cannot allow our new generations of artists to express themselves it ways that feel most true to them, how can we ever expect music to continue to evolve and grow?

I think it is really cool that Limp Bizkit is bringing this group of young, different talent on tour with them. Back in their prime, they were definitely doing something different that shocked people. That is just what these artists are doing, and they are giving them a platform to show it off. I think it is the right move for keeping music going in the right direction. Not everyone will love it, but in an ever-evolving category, it is necessary to happen.


The Biggest Speculation


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